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i just don’t understand, so much behavior from today’s socity – it seems just as bad online as IRL, lately theres been alot of people removing me off friends list on FB or other media – no reason given! and when asked ‘just cause your a friend of someone i don’t like.’

i call this “high school drama” cause its when people act like high school girls – i was bullyed alot growing up and hated school! but it even continues online just cause i am not apart of the ‘cool kids’ or not instrested in pixel humping or not instrested in the latest trends, cause i tend to keep to myself alot.

it is a form of Online bullying, which is very common nowadays – though others think its funny, its not funny for the person who its aimed at, people have comminted sucide over stuff like this, so its no laughing matter.

i know i am not the brightest spark, and i do get social anxity sometimes but its more common then you think.