Welcome to my small – but humble tribute to the Manga-Anime series ‘Inu-yasha’ which means ‘Dog-Demon’.
If you don’t know what ‘Inu-yasha’ is – its a manga/anime (japanese comic/cartoon) series from Rumiko Takahashi – creator of Ranma-half alot of my inspiration comes from manga and anime (sonic) – also came from Disney as well but then i turned to Anime cause it had more unique style that was more to my liking.
which is why i like it so much, also it sorted of insipired me for alot for my own stuff – it is also the first proper anime series that i have really grown to love and has also helped me to improve my own art So enjoy my little tribute i call ‘Inu-yasha’s Star’ ^_^ – OSWARI!!!
Inuyasha is currently on DVD relased by Madman here in australia