i am posting this here, as i need to say this in regards to fandoms.. everyone has their own fandoms. yes i admit to being a fangirl of loki, ghostbusters, kenshin, inuyasha and several others, and it;s perfectly normal for fans to get a bit obcessive over something they like – But telling somone to give up liking that fandom just because they don’t like it, or hating on it, each to there own but i won’t tell others to stop liking what they love.
It’s normal fangirl/fanboy reactions when you love something, true others won’t like what you like, i am not fond of my little ponies, but i won’t tell others to stop liking what they love, they have a right to choose what that want to like to, and respecting others for there likes and dislikes is perfectly fine. The fact that you show your ok with it, but not a fan of it is what it counts.
Each to their own – But don’t hate on people just because of there fandoms, all fans get obcessive over what they love, its normal reaction to show passion for what you love.
and this applies to all fandoms i guess, its normal.