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Here’s the thing about this show:  You have to say to yourself, “An anime about the Avengers fighting Loki, who summons stuff Beyblade-style, which (presumably) means the Avengers have to become able to be summoned by five Japanese children (OMG THE HULK’S KID IS SUCH AN AVENGERS NERD, IT’S GONNA BE SO GREAT), is this something I want to watch?”

And if you don’t answer, “FUCK YEAH BRING THAT ON BRING IN THE FUCK ON RIGHT NOW.” + maybe dying a little at Loki’s anime faces and calling Thor “aniue” and Thor calling him “ototo” because that is your fucking dream

If that’s not how you feel about this, you’re probably not going to enjoy this show that much.  But if you’re like me, you want this delicious candy and you want it RIGHT THE FUCK NOW.