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a BRIEF summary of whats being happening the last three months – the end of last year hit me hard with the death of my SL teacher and mentor, but also my 18 year old kitty, which i am still recovering from – then on top of that the death of David bowie, one of my childhood icons and others
Sl also took a major hit, when nearly half of my inventory vanished, for a builder and creator like me thats a major blow considering how much work i lost, but also people just walked away or left cause i wasn’t online or just not there for them. cause to much was going on irl wise with extreme heatwaves and having depression. (i was disgonsed with chronic depression in 2005, its not as sevre now but i still have my up and downs days)
IRL well always come first, i am sorry that if something happens i cannot follow you around and keep your sl fantasy in check, but dumping me just cause i was having a hard time, and the other person wants nothing to do with it is a very selfish move.
this is not the first time this has happened, that people do forget sl is JUST a tool/ a sandbox game to work and create in, it can be wonderful and enjoyable, but thowing away IRL in favour of living in a fantasy world is not good, and something i can’t offerd to do..
but big thank you to all the creators and builders who have been helping me restore my inventory and checking on me – i do attend to get back into things, once i am more organized again, but YAY its getting there.
Sound Apparel – Dream (Official Video)