i did drawings (am out of practise)
Category: artwork
What if Odin allowed Loki to have pets in prison?
Bullying – part 2
i have mentioned this before, about online bullying – Cyber bullying is just as bad as it is in real life. being someone who was teased and picked on most of their childhood years and also into early adult, just because of how one looks or act. Cyber bullying is just as worst.. due to the fact of being anoymous behind a screen, freedom of speech, and your statement doesn’t matter, keep it to yourself, etc. etc.. people can get away with saying anything they want.
this has gone on for a long time, and being a child of the seventies, eighties it does make me kinda sad to see that todays generation has gone down hill, no commuincation and thats it ok for kids to talk back to their elders – what is not ok, is ten year old’s swearing like sailors, people using youtube to hulimate others, or using other forms of online media to ‘bully’ people.
I was recently publicly hulimated in a online roleplay sim in SL, and the fact that several people where laughing at me, i saw nothing funny about it, being made fun of at the expess of others, yes the other person feels proud and important, but not the one who is the victim.
Cyber bullies do it to make themselves look good, but that just makes them just look like trolls. and trolls eventaully get theirs in the end. Don’t be a troll 🙂 simple as that