been getting into making skin mods for mesh avatars more now and with the release of bento now on firestorm! expect some new ones as well – am planning to get the teggle horse.
avatars: Red Remora Fox and Twi Lion and sold seperate
been getting into making skin mods for mesh avatars more now and with the release of bento now on firestorm! expect some new ones as well – am planning to get the teggle horse.
avatars: Red Remora Fox and Twi Lion and sold seperate
i try not to rant, but i had to say this – i am kinda confused at some of the rules laied down by roleplay sims in sl – in one particular ( i won’t mention its name)
– no interaction between certain races, can’t be friendly or otherwise with them.
– have to interact with invisable NPCS, when no other player characters are presant or get arrested or IC peramdeath.
– feeling like a bad guy, just cause you broke a rule that later on gets enforced cause there was no visable signs in the first place that was doing something wrong.
i understand conflict, but if your wanting racial conflict just to fight and arrest people, then thats not a rp sim, its a fighting sim.
This is the 2nd sim i’ve seen so far, that is way to tight on rules, and it is kinda sad, cause i thought it would have be instresting – but sadly no.
Flashback Furfire – and sad thing is i still know all the names of these characters 😀