This is it. This is the pinnacle of nerdom. This is the greatest height of nerdery that has ever been reached before.
Peter in Loki’s body on a bus downtown to the real Loki and making an excuse that he’s going to a comic convention.
Never will such levels of pure fucking nerd ever be seen again, it’s just not possible. This is a beautiful day, I am glad I am alive to experience this, god bless.
Category: Comics
A Fairy whispered in my ear, with her prediction of a future very near..
‘Dark becomes Light, Light becomes dark, when those on neither side can not follow, beware the house it holds secrets no mortal should know about..’
Shadow house 3 2014 is coming soon 🙂
don’t worry, your english turned out fine, a foreword of warning,
it is best that you don’t use this post as a standalone tutorial,
instead, try to use it as a study aid to help you make sense of real-life references.
(same applies for any decent “art tutorial” out there, really. :p)bolded numbers correspond to the numbers on this post’s pictures.