These adorable kitty avatars are from hullabazoo, been working on and off on the skin set while fighting a flu – the first one is a skin set six skins in one second is a special editon one that comes with a collar available from Quest Fur Cover
Tag: avatars
Extreme heatwave here in NQldm has made it hard just to do normal things, like going OUTSIDE! its supposed to be going on spring but feels like the middle of summer
The two mods above well feature at Hullabazoo starting march 10th
there is a ton of events starting soon including:
The arcade
Gacha Guild
Twisted hunt
These should be the last of the pre-christmas items – the paintbrushs are a gacha that well be available at my IW store and at the xmas expo
the deer mod well be available at the Furry sim Winterfest