These adorable kitty avatars are from hullabazoo, been working on and off on the skin set while fighting a flu – the first one is a skin set six skins in one second is a special editon one that comes with a collar available from Quest Fur Cover
Tag: Furry
hope you all had a safe new year and welcome to 2020
first item for the year – skin textures for the JOMO Rabbit avatar (Female/male)
This avatar has no texture appiler, so requires manual textures and some skill on how to mod avatars
Last item for 2019 – that i wanted to get done before christmas
Ice kitsune Skin Appiler for The Sugarcult Regalia Body
Ear Textures: Happy Paw Bento Fox Ears
Tail: Aurascape kitsune Tail (texture appiler included)
Head: Cerbrurus bento Canis head (appiler Included)