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New Items that well be on discounted sale at the Relay for Life this weekend, – Noodle nest is 25 prims with lighting and sound effects six poses and nice decorative home for noodle dragons (poses only work for the NB Chibi Dragon Avi)

Work Maidens outfit set comes in dark and light standard sizes so works for both classic and mesh bodies

both of these are available at the We are Dragons/ Ryukyu Warriors Campsite and are discounted for this weekend only.

Item For the fantasy Faire hunt – this well only be availble thru the hunt, thru the duration of the faire

Fantasy Faire starts on Thursday – Touryuumon is located at the library 🙂 and also well be a preview display for Legends of Aetherheim, a new fantasy medevil RP sim thats currently being built, you can check out the website here –

also offical shopping for fantasy faire