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hopefully last of the Halloween items, for the MOR hellhund avatar,

Have been updating my Inworld vendors, and removing older items, if you can’t find any item you want inworld, check the marketplace – it well have everything, i am gradually updating my inworld ones, to have the more recent uptodate items. which is a slow process ..

On the workbench: (these are things that are currently being worked on)

new teegle horse gacha set – and finishing off the Flame Kitsu gacha set.
new scar marks For the TWI Wolf. lion and fox

mini set for the BRDMRT maintcore

Skin set for The MOR hellhund avatar – two seperate skins with textures for the MOR kitsune tail included.(also working on an eye set)

The Flame Kitsu set has multiple colors which are available from a gacha at my in world store, this is a special edition halloween one – that well NOT be in the gacha set.

Also recommand using the on for the tail.

As october draws near, well be turning out more october themed items – and newest one from Red Remora the Felitaur – which i think is rather adorable and one of the best looking centaur add ons seen yet, – The skin has meterials for advanced lighting effect, also note the Felitar works with most upper mesh bodies which are sold seperatly – i used the Cerbrus Thicc Fox for the upper half.