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Relay For Life 2017

Relay for life is kicking off again soon!, this year is “passport to hope” RFL Ryukyu Warriors well be particating again this year

if you wish to donate to our team, we have a donation page set up already –

As nearly everyone in our team, has had personal experiances with cancer, or losing loved ones as well – i lost my father to lukemania 22 years ago, and still miss him – last year also now lost my Aunt to cancer

one of our team members Shirley Meiji, wife of the late Inuyasha Meiji (who Ryukyu Warriors is named after in his honor) also has had trails with cancer, but she is still alive and kicking after having beaten it.

Relay for life 2017 offically kicks off in march, so weather your do it virtual or real life, this is a great cause to get behind and worth it!

Bento – good or bad?

i’ve been experimninting alot with bento latley in second life, for those who don’t know, bento is the next big add on for sl, and went live on the grid last year – at the moment it’s not viewable in all viewers, though mainly the main viewer and firestorm (it’s also viewable in black dragon as well from what i know)

So what is bento? it’s a new feature that adds more bones to the second life avatar, allowing for more fluid and realistic movement.

i have noticed improvements with it, but for those with older computer won’t be able to use it

so is this bento good or bad? for Tails, wings, and animal avatars it’s really good – also bento hands are a thing as well – that your avi would be able to bend their fingers or give someone the bird 😀

a few examples:
The Teegle horse avatar, this is one of the first full bento animal avatars, and it’s properly in my opoion one of the best looking horse avatars out at the moment! the movement is very fluid just like a real horse.
Tornleaf Fennec Fox avatar, this is my favorite avi at the moment, alot of customization and it’s very adorable!

both avatars are designed for bento viewers, so well not work on regular viewers.

bento hands
These are mesh hands, that well usally work with mesh bodies, bento does not work with the standard SL avatar.

But what about bento heads, you ask? i’ve tried them out and to be honest unless you know how to edit your shape, they don’t work well

So bento works well for somethings, wings, tails and also hands – animal avatars work very good, other attachments not so much.