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Minor Hiatus

i havn’t been on tumblr much, due to so much going on lately the last month was bad with two deaths of not only of my 18 year old kitty TC, who had always been there for me, but also my sl mentor and Teacher Richard La Vasser aka Inuyasha Meiji
plus accolmented with the death of David Bowie, who me and one of my brothers loved his music in the eighties growing up – but also for the movie labyrinth, (the rp character yami was directly based off of jareth) so yes three deaths in less then a month, took it out on me rather emontionaly.
but alot of extra things going on as well, and doesnt help its summer in oz land at the moment, so it’s frickking hot (even at night!)
yes i am in a slump at the moment, just taking some time off to focus on myself – been doing alot of drawing and catching up on movies
so Touryuunmon is on a minor hiatus at the moment, it well be back when i am feeling better 🙂