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Return to Life

Feels like Forever since i touched this site, but i wanted to slowly reupdate it, as i am working on new archives, though the comics well not be updating on a regular basis, they well be updating perodicaly – though i found alot of broken and outdated code, since i switched over to wordpress, makes editing alot easier – since i update my other blog on a more regular basis, then this one. i wanted to give it a more updated look at least 🙂


update on whats happening with this site, its for archive purposes only now, so well not be updating very much, thanks to those who gave me support over the last 10 years, but Furfire has pretty much finished its run, if it coutinues it well only be a simple sideproject from now on, did have fun and learnt things, but things change and time to move on. take care all 🙂 well continue to update but not as much as i used to