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Happy new year 2018

ok update on things – i lost the passwords to my site, and had to do some archive digging, to get them back (irl has been kicking me in the butt but what i well be doing is evntually linking my tumblr to here – as also in the process of redoing the archives.
It’s been a long time, but new year, new start!

i am alive!!

i havn’t touched the site in ages, due to my in real life health – i havn’t been drawing for nearly four years, but wanted to make sure things where ok, and give a heads up!
My orginal Website was apparently hacked, when this happened i don’t know – but giving a heads up to those who used to watch the website, that is this NOT my work, as there is no working links and it takes you to a spam website.
It does make me sad to see this happen to something i put alot of work into orginally, but i just don’t have the time for it nowadays – i keep wanting to get back into it, but things always do happen

i miss doing this, so hopefully one day i can restart this project, it meant alot to me – take care all for now 🙂