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Fantasy Faire Day 4

Fantasy Faire Day 4

Attempting to complete the circuit of the sims, is no easy task but was able to make my way around most of them, though seems the ‘love shack’ has seen better days its now parked in Blackwater glenn

and some of those mushrooms really don’t look that tasty (hint: to the palace of tears hunt)

Speaking of the hunt its underway as well as the auction pieces now as well!

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Fantasy Faire Day 2

Fantasy Faire Day 2

Second day on the faire, and even though sl still tried to be a buggar, theres an old saying that the show must go on and that it did!
next sim to vist was Aperatus which is sponsored by Neo-Victoria, a unique rp community of its own.

The Steampunk look and feel of this place was rather cool, (though i am not crazy about steampunk, but easy to their own 🙂

During the duration of the faire,…

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