though the offical birthday is tomorrow, the countdown has started in less then an hour the sims open, and the wait is over as the SLB11! offically starts
the offical program and listings is here
VR has a build this year that is located in Wonderous (we’re next to the slb gift parcel)
Tag: linden
Countdown to SL 11!
Where is the year going!! its already that time as we start the countdown to Second life’s ELEVENTH birthday! (which for someone whos been working with 3d stuff since 2005, makes me feel pretty ancient) VR has a parcel this year, and also once again well be doing greeter duties, welcoming the newbies to the craziness that is the second life birthday, if you never have been to one – you don’t know…
Fantasy Faire day 5
I complete the route of the whole circuit of the sims, now i get to go do it all over again, and this time look at all the awsome items up for sale that donations are all going to RLF!
The Swamp of Heavenslough, (built by the creators of Fantasy group) where you may need more then boots to get thru this swamp.
To the top of Hopes Horizon which is based on Minas truth from Lord of the rings,…