The good news i well be getting a new kitty hopefully soon, and starting to feel a bit better – some halloween freebies here at least there simple but i am not feeling well enough at the moment to
The good news i well be getting a new kitty hopefully soon, and starting to feel a bit better – some halloween freebies here at least there simple but i am not feeling well enough at the moment to
The December editon of the arcade is in full swing, and they had a GERGOUS christmas tree this round, with lots of cool freebies to be had if your looking for some extra presents – Christmas Adventure 2 mini hunt kicks off tomorrow if you played shadow house 3, it works the same way (grab the 10L hud and follow the instructions) as well as we love rp has posted it’s new round of items that are up!
Where did the month go?? anyways still lots of halloween attractions around Sl to explore, though i well be honest some of them have been a bit of a let down, it’s always more fun to make things that your vistors well use or interact with. Good ideas for a haunted house, make it SCARY!! but not to overboard with blood, guts, etc to much of that stuff well actually make people sick IRL (happened…