The December editon of the arcade is in full swing, and they had a GERGOUS christmas tree this round, with lots of cool freebies to be had if your looking for some extra presents – Christmas Adventure 2 mini hunt kicks off tomorrow if you played shadow house 3, it works the same way (grab the 10L hud and follow the instructions) as well as we love rp has posted it’s new round of items that are up!
Tag: gatcha
November Events
November is here, and the year is almost over! though that doesn’t mean that the events have stopped! main events going on right now are Fantasy Gatcha Carnival and the regular monthly
May is fantasy month!
i got hit by some sort of flu bug so been unable to keep up on fantasy faire, but theres alot of others amazing fantasy events happening this month as well including the Fantasy Gatcha (which is MEGA popular, its quite hard to get in if the sim is full but theres alot of items that are worth it – also we love rp(which has quite a few men’s avis items this time around, which is for those that…