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May is fantasy month!

May is fantasy month!

i got hit by some sort of flu bug so been unable to keep up on fantasy faire, but theres alot of others amazing fantasy events happening this month as well including the Fantasy Gatcha (which is MEGA popular, its quite hard to get in if the sim is full but theres alot of items that are worth it – also we love rp(which has quite a few men’s avis items this time around, which is for those that…

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floods and more

With Cyclone Ita causing some chaos IRL, SL is no different – thought its more organized chaos!
there are several events going on at the moment, which i have been trying to keep track of, since am on Deadline to get lathCoia completed before the Ryukyu Spring Festivel for RLF
Speaking of RLF the BIG one is coming up soon Fantasy Faire! the website has already been updated

also on at the moment is

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