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Med Fantasy Fair 4 is started!

Med Fantasy Fair 4 is started!

Medevial Famtasy Fair is back on again. for it’s fourth time around, as well as VR’s fourth outing with the fair as well, so tis always fun. The Theme this time is Nordic legends and Myths, and also the fairy hunt which has some nice items that you well want to get, VR’s item hint is ‘The Ghost wolf hides the fairy’.

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September 12th – 9 years ago

Nine years ago, i just had gotton a DSL connection, after having had dailup for so long and the first thing i wanted was to try out a ‘game’ called Second Life, only to find out out it wasn’t a game, i wouldn’t think that nine years later i would still be playing that ‘game’ that instead changed into a life changing thing 🙂

Shadow House 3 Helper guide

Shadow House 3 Helper guide

Shadow house 3 opens at VR in a few days, it’s different from a normal hunt, as you have to look for items to claim your prizes – heres a break down for newbies!

first thing get the hud from the NPC at the front entrance, it is 10L
Right click on the hud in the folder and ADD it (not wear it) – it well appear on your screen in the lower left corner.
where it says ‘Click here to start your quests’…

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