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Happy Halloween!

Where did the month go?? anyways still lots of halloween attractions around Sl to explore, though i well be honest some of them have been a bit of a let down, it’s always more fun to make things that your vistors well use or interact with. Good ideas for a haunted house, make it SCARY!! but not to overboard with blood, guts, etc to much of that stuff well actually make people sick IRL (happened…

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Fright Fest!

As halloween approches, several events are going on right now, which well certinally get you in the mood for it. first up is Fright Fest, this two sim area features displays of halloween items from well known stores, including kittycats and Meeroos with spooky suprises!, there is also trick or treating to be had – which can be found around the two sims Fright Fest can be access via <a here, also…

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