October is here!, and alot of events going on – Shadow house goes on for another month until Halloween, and also the Mystic Realms Fair which well be on apair with Fantasy Faire, so lets hope its going to be good, also several fall hunts as we lead up to halloween..
Tag: events
Shadow House Tips
Since People have been asking for help, heres some tips for playing ‘Shadow House 3′
– you MUST read the instructions, there are two notecards with the hud that well give you some background story and what to do. When you obtain the hud from the NPC – (add it don’t wear it) Click on the text in the middle ‘Click here to start your quests’ this well automatically teleport you to yami’s island (you…
Med Fantasy Fair 4 is started!
Med Fantasy Fair 4 is started!
Medevial Famtasy Fair is back on again. for it’s fourth time around, as well as VR’s fourth outing with the fair as well, so tis always fun. The Theme this time is Nordic legends and Myths, and also the fairy hunt which has some nice items that you well want to get, VR’s item hint is ‘The Ghost wolf hides the fairy’.