In less then 24 hours, Shadow House well open to the public,well you brave it’s curse – also watching the countdown clock on the Arcade when it’s opens this round on a brand new sim as well – The Twisted hunt -Time Warp, also starts soon… hmm alot of themed with clocks around at the moment!
Tag: events
Shadow House 3 Helper guide
Shadow house 3 opens at VR in a few days, it’s different from a normal hunt, as you have to look for items to claim your prizes – heres a break down for newbies!
first thing get the hud from the NPC at the front entrance, it is 10L
Right click on the hud in the folder and ADD it (not wear it) – it well appear on your screen in the lower left corner.
where it says ‘Click here to start your quests’…
The Touryuumon Saga: Shadow House 3
The Touryuumon Saga: Shadow House 3
It’s coming up to that time of the year again.. when we start to work on our annual halloween event ‘Shadow House’, The first shadow house event took place in 2012, this well be our third year doing this event – though with alot of new riddles and quests to solve this time around. The Story goes that every year in the realm of Touryuumon, a mysterious house appears drawing all spirits and souls…