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upcoming events

i watched ‘Bicentinal Man’ tonight, as i am still watching alot of Robin Williams movies, after this horrible loss this week, i dare anyone not to watch the end of that movie and not break down crying like i did realizing, he didn’t just die in the movie, he also died in real life 🙁 still effecting me a lot.
Callobar88 and the fantasy Gatcha carnivalare on at the moment, (though most of the time…

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May is fantasy month!

May is fantasy month!

i got hit by some sort of flu bug so been unable to keep up on fantasy faire, but theres alot of others amazing fantasy events happening this month as well including the Fantasy Gatcha (which is MEGA popular, its quite hard to get in if the sim is full but theres alot of items that are worth it – also we love rp(which has quite a few men’s avis items this time around, which is for those that…

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Fantasy Faire Day 3

Fantasy Faire Day 3

it’s already going on day 3 and i still have only done half the circuit of the sims, and have not checked out other awsome things going on like TWO hunts this year and the live/silent auction also happening in the faireland junctions, so much to see and do! and little time to do it in, but am trying

Sanctum was the next sim to vist, the overall feel of this place, felt like Limbo hell below –…

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